Suzanne Barbour Coaching

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Navigating a Merry Christmas and a Sparkly New Year

Maybe this is your first Christmas coping with an illness/injury or getting to grips with your menopausal symptoms in all the hustle and bustle of the seasons.
I understand, from experience, that this time of year can be a challenge in lots of ways, so I have put together a few strategies to help you navigate the festive season.

  1. Be kind to yourself: As easy as it is to throw away structure at Christmas, make sure that you maintain a little routine and look after yourself by eating well, maintaining a good sleep routine and continuing to go outdoors for fresh air. Be sure to add a dose of treating yourself into your plans, whether it’s having a good old pamper or some relaxation time.

  2. Try to put your worries aside (Hakuna Matata): Allow yourself a holiday from your stresses and just enjoy the festive period. We are all lucky have have the chance to celebrate the festive season in some way. Worrying won’t change anything over the next few days, so try and lock those worries in a box and give yourself a well earned break.

  3. Don't take yourself too seriously: Create ways to have fun and get your sparkle back. If you are struggling with this, lean on your recovery support team to help lift you up, whether they are eat the end of a phone or in the room with you.

  4. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself: Laughter is certainly the best medicine, so find some time for those who make you laugh from your belly. It’s also helpful to try and remember that your friends and family only mean well. While they may come across as a little pushy when they are excited for you to attend a party or trip out, be honest with them and let them know if you feel up to it or not. It’s ok to say ‘no‘ if you need to, or go for a short time then excuse yourself. Do what works for you.

  5. Focus on what is good in your life: Remind yourself of how far you have already come, identify what you want more of in your life and set a goal for the new decade to go and get it! 

Please remember you are not alone. Even though your journey will always be unique, there are many going through similar situations.

“It's not what happens to you that defines you... it's what you do about it that makes you the person you are".

So choose how you want to spend the next couple of weeks and make a conscious decision to be thankful for those around you who love you and remind yourself of what you have already achieved. The best is yet to come!

If you need extra support over the holidays, you can reach me via the contact page on my website.
Sending you huge holiday hugs.
