Barbour Coaching
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coaching people through
life changing situations


Specialities: ADHD
Cancer Recovery
Divorce & Breakup


Suzanne Barbour

Life Coach & MEnopause Mentor

“With a wealth of experience helping others through challenging situations, as well as the experience of my own battle with cancer, I was inspired to open my coaching business for clients needing tailored, practical advice and strategies to help them move forward.

I realised there was a huge access problem for people with life changing illnesses or injuries to support them with the practical and emotional challenges of treatment, recovery and beyond.

Despite my own skills, nothing could prepare me for my own cancer diagnosis.
As I was going through my treatment there was also the double whammy of dealing with my divorce.
It took every ounce of my strength to get through it and the total rollercoaster of emotions thrown at me every minute of every day.

My physical treatment only lasted 6 weeks, but my recovery is still ongoing and has provided me with incredible insight and experience which, combined with my training and coaching skills is a very powerful combination when coaching others going through the turbulent rollercoaster of treatment and recovery.”

Suzanne demonstrates that a life changing illness or injury is not the end of your happiness and you can move on to even better things. She will share the tools to take control of the emotional pain and to help redesign your life just the way you want it. She wants to encourage you to ask for help, and teach you the skills and confidence to get from where you are to where you want to be.

“I became passionate about learning from my own experiences so that I could help others with my step by step strategies to help with the rollercoaster ride that is treatment and recovery.

My business brain means that my methods are emphatic, practical and direct. They are easy to use and help get results quickly. I firmly believe that my coaching is the missing piece to the services available today”.

As a recovery coach, Suzanne creates a personalised programme which offers all of the tools, advice and guidance needed to help individuals be more positive and focused around recovery, make confident decisions and being better equipped mentally and emotionally to handle their situation and to be excited about what is around the corner.

All sessions are tailor-made to suit your individual needs, so get in touch for a free consultation and we can decide together what those needs are. 

Ann HUnter

Counsellor (BACP) & MEnopause Coach

After spending most of my career as a manager in the construction industry, I decided to retrain as a counsellor after experiencing my own mental health issues, exacerbated by my workplace. 

I have now been a counsellor for over five years working in a variety of settings including private practice and in the charity sector.  I am also a workplace wellbeing trainer delivering various mental health trainings into the workplace,  

I realised in the last few years that a significant number of clients coming to counselling were experiencing symptoms of menopause and decided to supplement my knowledge in order to offer more tailored support.

I am passionate about supporting women with both their mental health and menopause journey and feel my empathic approach, together with personal insight, is invaluable in helping women to move forward and regain control of their wellbeing.

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"One person can make a difference and every person should try..."

John F Kennedy


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If you’d like to find out more about how I can help you, please feel free to get in touch using the form below.