Food is medicine! Especially during peri/menopause

So many of the people I work with her me say, probably too often, that food is medicine, but it’s so true.

During our peri and menopausal years proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting overall health and easing the associated symptoms.

Over in our Facebook Group Mastering Your Menopause we have set our August food challenge to help our members feel more empowered to manage their symptoms on their own and protect their long term health.

Hormonal Changes and Impact
Menopause triggers a decline in oestrogen and progesterone levels, which can lead to a variety of physiological changes. Many women experience symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, weight gain (especially around the tummy) and bone density loss to name but a few. These changes can affect energy levels, metabolism and emotional balance, underscoring the significance of a well-balance diet during this time.

Bone Health and Calcium Intake
One of the most critical aspect of nutrition during menopause is maintaining bone health. The hormonal shifts can accelerate bone density loss, increasing the risk of osteoperosis, osteopenia, leading to fractures and breaks. Adequate calcium intake is vital to strengthen bones and minimise the impact of menopause-related bone loss. Dirty products, leafy green and forified plant based alternatives are brilliant sources of calcium to include in daily meals.

Managing Weight and Metabolism
Our fluctuating hormones can influence our metabolism and can lead to weight gain, especially around the abdominal area so incorporating more whole grains and lean proteins to name but a few can help manage weight. Nutrient dense foods provide essential vitamins and minerals while keeping caloric intake in check

Heart Health and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Cardiovascular health becomes increasingly crucial during menopause. The drop in oestrogen levels may affect the protective mechanisms of the heart, raising the risk of heart disease. Including omega-3 fatty acids into your feed can help maintain hearth health, by reducing inflammation and supporting optima cholesterol levels.

Mood Regulation and Serotonin Boosters
Hormonal fluctuation can impact mood and emotional well-being. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood can be supported through nutrition. Foods rich in tryptophan such as turkey, nuts, sees and dark chocolate can enhance serotonin production and promote a more lifted mood (menopausal or not!)

There are so many other nutritional tips I could talk about for pages and pages and pages, and indeed there are entire books on the subject, so instead, come on over to our group and find out more about how you can tailor your own approach to your own unique experience.

Embracing menopause as a natural phase of life and understanding the importance of nutrition can empower those going through it to navigate it with vitality and well-being. By prioritising bone health, heart health, mood regulation and overall nutrition, we can ease menopausal symptoms and embrace this new chapter with confidence and grace.

Proper nutrition is not only a key to managing the changes Brough on by menopause but also the path to thriving in the many years ahead.

Suzanne Barbour