What clients & Their families say…



“Suzanne Barbour is, without a doubt, the best menopause and life coach I have ever had. She genuinely cares about her clients and it shows in her work. She is friendly, funny and extremely knowledgeable, whilst still always adhering to the highest ethical standards.

She has taught me so much and helped pull me out of a very dark place. It has been an absolute privilege to work with her and I know that she and her business will continue to thrive.”


‘BBC Wales

“Thank you so much for todays session, the feedback has been great and I had some lovely messages shared with me during the session about how great your delivery was.

It was a conversation that needed to start today and I think all took a lot from it.

One comment in particular got shared with me from a male staff member during the managers session… When you were going through the physical impacts section he shared:

‘Oh wow, this is so important to know as a manager, and as a general good human being really’

For me this was really impactful, so thank you.”



“I first spoke to Suzanne in April 2023 after seeking advice for what I felt were symptoms stemming from menopause. 

My main issue was forgetfulness but that accompanied with broken sleep, anxiety, crying and weight gain made for a not to great version of myself. 

I remember my first call with Suzanne I was an emotional wreck but I also recall how Suzanne’s voice was so calming. She asked me all sorts of question to establish if I was in fact feeling this way because I was menopausal. Suzanne always let me speak even though I waffled at times trying to give her examples. 

…. My sessions with Suzanne has reinvented me into a better brighter, lighter and not so weepy version of myself. I still have some way to go but I am in the right frame of mind to do so. But this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t take that first important step of getting in touch with Suzanne. 

Suzanne, you always told me that I was the one doing the work but I was doing it with your help, encouragement and knowledge. For that I’ll be forever grateful - thank you.”