GUEST BLOG - Embracing Self-Confidence and Ageing - Sarah Heron

We are incredibly lucky to have our very first guest blog from the wonderful Sarah Heron - Style Coach and Colour Consultant. So grab yourself a cuppa and maybe even a pen an paper for Sarah’s tips on……

Embracing Self-Confidence & Ageing

As a personal style coach and colour consultant, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless women navigating the unique challenges and opportunities that come with growing older.

One of the most common concerns I hear from my clients is about maintaining self-confidence as they age, particularly during peri-menopause and post menopause. This transformative period can bring about significant changes in our bodies, our emotions, and how we perceive ourselves. However, with the right approach, it can also be a time of incredible growth, self-discovery, and empowerment.

Understanding the Changes

Menopause and the years leading up to it, known as perimenopause, can bring about a host of physical and emotional changes. Fluctuating hormones can lead to weight gain, changes in skin texture, and hair thinning, among other symptoms.
Emotionally, you might experience mood swings, anxiety, or typically, a dip in self-esteem. These changes can feel daunting, but it’s important to remember that they are a natural part of life and do not diminish your value or beauty.

The Power of Personal Style

One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for boosting self-confidence is personal style. The way you dress and present yourself can have a profound impact on how you feel.

Here’s how you can harness the power of personal style to enhance your self-confidence during this phase of life:

1. Rediscover Your Colours: Skin tone can change as we age, making it essential to reassess which colours flatter us the most. As a colour consultant, I can help you identify a palette that enhances your natural beauty, brightens your complexion, and brings out your inner glow. Wearing the right colours can make you look more healthy, youthful, vibrant and feel more confident.

2. Embrace Your Unique Body Shape: Ageing often brings changes to our body shape. Instead of focusing on what you perceive as flaws, celebrate your body for its strength and resilience. Find clothing styles that highlight your best features and make you feel comfortable and fabulous. Remember, confidence is the most attractive thing you can wear.

3. Invest in Quality Pieces: Now is the perfect time to invest in high-quality, timeless pieces that make you feel luxurious and sophisticated. Choose fabrics that feel good against your skin and garments that fit well. Quality over quantity will always serve you better in the long run.

4. Update Your Wardrobe: As our lives evolve, so should our wardrobes. Don’t be afraid to let go of pieces that no longer serve you and make room for items that align with who you are now. Curating a wardrobe that reflects your current lifestyle and personality can be incredibly empowering.

5. Accessories and Details: Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. Invest in accessories that make you smile or which express an insight into your unique personality, whether it’s a statement necklace, a pair of bold earrings, or a beautiful scarf.
These finishing touches can elevate your outfit and your mood and often become talking points and ice breakers which can alleviate anxiety or diminished confidence.

Building Inner Confidence

While external style plays a crucial role in boosting self-confidence, it’s equally important to nurture your inner confidence. Here are a few tips to help you feel more empowered from the inside out:

1. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a dear friend. Acknowledge your achievements and celebrate your strengths. Remember, you are deserving of love and respect, regardless of your age.

2. Stay Active: Physical activity can do wonders for your mood and energy levels. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it’s walking, yoga, dancing, or swimming. Staying active not only benefits your body but also boosts your mental well-being.

3. Stay Connected: Surround yourself with supportive friends and loved ones who uplift you. Share your experiences, fears, and triumphs with them. A strong support system can be a tremendous source of strength and confidence.

4. Pursue Your Passions: Now is the perfect time to rediscover hobbies and passions that bring you joy. Whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, or travelling, engaging in activities you love can reignite your zest for life.

5. Seek Professional Guidance: Sometimes, talking to a professional can provide you with new perspectives and strategies for boosting your confidence. Whether it’s a therapist, a life coach, or a personal style consultant like myself, seeking guidance can be a valuable step towards feeling your best.


Ageing is a journey that brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Embracing your unique beauty and style, while nurturing your inner confidence, can make this phase of life incredibly fulfilling. Remember, you have the power to redefine what it means to age gracefully and confidently. With the right mindset and tools, you can shine brighter than ever before.

Remember, ageing is a gift denied by many. Let’s move forward in life with gratitude and confidence.
We owe it not only to ourselves but to those who didn’t have that opportunity.