GUEST BLOG - When business feels HARD, Kirsty Waite

If things feel a bit challenging, uncertain, or downright difficult in your business right now, take a deep breath. This moment is for you.

The truth is, for you and your business to grow, you have to face challenges, learn new lessons, and tread paths that are untrodden. It’s not easy, but it’s all part of the journey. 

You may be feeling a bit stuck, the spark may have faded, and business may even feel forced. You may not be filling the pipeline as quickly, potential clients are not reaching out as often, or you may be so overwhelmed you’re not sure which direction to move in, you may be operating in scattergun mode and hoping something pays off. 

The fear is real, worries about paying the bills, the inner chatter of your saboteur may be on full throttle, and your confidence is waning. Clarity has got up and left the building, intention isn't far behind. 

This feels hard. 

You may be able to relate to some or even all of the above. 

I want you to know: I see you AND this is totally normal throughout the journey to building your business.  

However, as a side note and just to give you the heads up (because I’m nice like that); at each stage of business growth, these things will raise their ugly head in one way or another. You will feel like you’ve just got things figured out, your ducks in some formation that may resemble a row. AND BOOM. You’re back to feeling overwhelmed, worried and lacking direction. 

BUT guess what; you are constantly learning and growing. You have more knowledge, wisdom and experience to deal with these challenges each time around. I invite you to welcome these situations as opportunities to grow and challenge yourself. 

I know what you may be thinking; I’d rather not go through all these challenges. I hear you but no one said business was easy right? Plus if it was that easy everyone would be doing it. 

You make the choice to step into the discomfort of growth or back into safety. Either direction is OK. It’s a choice. 

If you’re in one of these phases now and looking to break the cycle;

Don’t just sit at your desk, staring at the screen, hoping for a breakthrough. Creativity, solutions and opportunities don’t work that way. Sometimes, you need to change your scenery, take a step back, and reconnect with yourself. A walk in nature, a bit of meditation, or simply allowing yourself some space can do wonders. It’s about getting out of your head and into your body, feeling the magic that’s already there.

Reconnect with your vision, spend time with other business owners who inspire you, look at things with a fresh perspective.

Change might feel scary. It might be uncomfortable or unknown. But it’s also where the magic happens. Embrace it, and remember that with change comes new opportunities, excitement, and the chance to discover something amazing. Take that step. Do that thing you’ve been hesitating about.

Just because things feel tough now doesn’t mean you’ll stay here forever.

Remember, where you are now is just a chapter—not the whole story.

You’ve got this! 

Life’s Conversations

Check out Kirsty’s podcast episode on Life’s Conversations here!

To find out more about Kirsty and what the Ethical Coaching Company do, head over to or

Clare Wilson