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Menopause Support


Menopause Mentor

Talking to about our menopausal symptoms can often be embarrassing. Many of us brush off the feelings of anxiety and fatigue and just try to ‘get on with it’

But by keeping quiet, menopause can take its toll on our relationships, our careers and our mental health. I have heard about so many people going through break-ups and leaving long careers mainly due to stigma, lack of education and not feeling supported or able to talk about it.

I want to break that cycle and remove the taboos around menopause.

As a trained menopause mentor as well as experiencing medical menopause for myself, I believe it’s important for all women and their families to have comprehensive support when going through hormonal changes whether it’s naturally occurring or brought on by medical interventions. Information and education is vital, not only for physical wellbeing but also for mental wellbeing. It puts you back in the driving seat!


Member of the Newson Health Menopause Society


Free Menopause Symptom Checker

To help you out - download our FREE symptom checker



Menopause online

A series of online workshops provides a perfect foundation to learn about what is happening to bodies and minds during perimenopause to post menopause.
Discover how to manage symptoms, develop your self awareness and learn lots of tips to help put you back in control. We are all unique, so one size doesn’t fit all!

Menopause events

Watch my events page for my exciting events coming in 2023…..

Menopause business support

Menopause business support is a unique service that offers everything from policy writing, training your teams, to developing your own ‘in-house’ menopause champions.
A huge number of businesses are losing valuable experience and talent because of their lack of awareness or management training around menopause.
In addition employers can be left vulnerable to tribunals because of their lack of support.

This package can help your business manage the impact of menopause and develop a certified ‘meno-friendly’ workplace

‘menopause is a hormone issue - not an age issue’

Dee Murray
